Jim Wiseman
Phone: 404.471.6202
Email: jwiseman@myxiwei.com
Office Location: Buttrick 331
Academic Degrees
- SB, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- MS, Northwestern University
- PhD, Northwestern University
Teaching and Scholarly Interests
Professor Wiseman's interests include dynamical systems, dynamics from the topological viewpoint, Conley index, dynamics on noncompact spaces, rigorous computation, fixed point theory, set-valued maps, voting theory, social choice and public health.
Professional Activities
Recent Publications:
- Generalized recurrence and the nonwandering set for products, Topology and its Applications, 291 (2017), 111-121.
- The generalized recurrent set and strong chain recurrence, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, to appear.
- NOMINATE and American political history: a primer, Studies in American Political Development, Studies in American Political Development 30 (October 2016), no. 2, 97-115 (with Phil Everson (statistics), Rick Valelly (political science), and Arjun Vishwanath (Swarthmore College ’16)).
- Entropy for symbolic dynamics with overlapping alphabets, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 28 (2016), 301-315 (with Fabio Drucker (Dickinson College ’11) and David Richeson).
Web Links
Department of MathematicsProfessor Wiseman's site